If you hear news about education initiatives these days, you may have heard of STEM/STEAM programs. You've even heard us talk about them in our Library programming. STEM and STEAM programs are growing in popularity for sure, but few people really understand what they are and what these programs do.
STEM and STEAM are acronyms for programs that promote learning science, technology, engineering, arts, and math in unique and creative ways. These programs integrate these courses of study, and students use components of all to create new things and solve real-world problems--like using a 3D printer to create a hand for a boy in Jackson, MS. The Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) says STEM/STEAM skills are in demand in today's job market. A study from Change the Equation posted on the IDOE website estimates that there are 2.4 STEM-related jobs for every one unemployed person in Indiana. For non-STEM jobs, however, there are estimated to be five unemployed people for every one job.
Because STEM/STEAM programs and projects promote skills and concepts that can be found in many career tracks, students who participate in these programs have an unique advantage. Their practiced abilities to combine technology and creativity often allow them to come up with innovative ideas that lead to exciting new features. Check out more information on STEM/STEAM in Indiana from the IDOE website.