Find More hoopla Titles in the Library Catalog
We're happy to announce that we’ve updated our system to make even more items from the hoopla digital download service available when browsing our online catalog. Thanks to new technology, you can now browse our online catalog and find all of the same titles you would see in the hoopla app—without ever leaving the Library catalog.
Not only does this let you see both materials inside the Library and downloadables that match your search, but it also gives you the ability to log in and borrow hoopla titles directly from the catalog. A download option appears both at the time of checkout and in the Digital Checkouts section of your Checkouts page. To take full advantage of these convenient links, be sure to have the hoopla app downloaded on your device before you check out. Once you choose to download, you will be prompted to enter your hoopla account information or create a new account to log in.
Staff is always available to help if you need assistance. We’re happy to show you how to borrow items from hoopla, and we hope you’ll love the added convenience this new catalog connection provides.