
Military & Government Collection

Military & Government Collection

Designed to offer current news through a collection of periodicals, academic journals and other content pertinent to the increasing needs for all branches of the military and government.

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Middle Search Plus

Middle Search Plus

This resource contains full text for popular middle school magazines, full-text biographies and historical essays. In addition, it includes primary source documents, reference books and a vast image collection.

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McClatchy-Tribune Collection

McClatchy-Tribune Collection

The McClatchy-Tribune Collection includes a 90-day archive of approximately 290 newspapers from the McClatchy-Tribune Information Services. This resource is updated daily.

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INSPIRE is a collection of academic articles and consumer information accessible to Indiana residents. Find journal, magazine, and newspaper articles on education, business, government, health, and more.


Health Source Nursing/Academic Edition

Health Source Nursing/Academic Edition

This full-text database offers a trusted source of nursing and allied health literature. Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition covers an array of relevant topics, including pediatric nursing, critical care, mental health, nursing management, medical law and many more.

Go to Health Source Nursing/Academic Edition

Health Source Consumer Edition

Health Source Consumer Edition

This rich collection of consumer health information provides access to more than 80 full-text consumer health magazines, including American Fitness, Better Nutrition, Harvard Health Letter, Men's Health, Muscle & Fitness, Prevention, Vegetarian Times and many others.

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Health Business FullTEXT

Health Business FullTEXT

Health Business Full Text provides full-text coverage of more than 130 well-known administrative journals, including H&HN: Hospitals & Health Networks, Health Management Technology, Modern Healthcare and many others.

Go to Health Business FullTEXT